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Temple Preparation Home
How old do I need to be to go to the Temple? When am I ready?
Why can't just anyone enter an LDS Temple?
How should I prepare for the Temple? And what's a Temple Recommend?
Should I read something in particular before I go?
What's it like the first time? What should I expect?
What exactly do we do in the Temple?
¿Sobre qué aspectos del Templo puedo hablar fuera del Templo?
Are LDS Temple ordinances "Biblical" and what does that mean?
What is an endowment?
What is a covenant?
Why should I commit to something if I don't know what I'm committing to?
I've heard some strange things about the Temples. Are they true?
¿Qué son los “garments”? ¿Dónde y cuándo debería comprarlos?
How literal are the events presented in the Temple?
How do I know where the closest Temple is, or what the Temple schedule is?
There are things in the Temple that I don't understand. How can I understand more? Who can I ask, or where can I find appropriate resources?
Can the Temple ordinances change?
Does everyone have a good experience in the Temple?
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