Brief Thoughts on Change
As time goes by, older and venerated prophets and apostles are inevitably succeeded by new ones. I have a post to put up about President Hinckley and the temple, but I was thinking about changes. We lose much experience and wisdom when someone like President Hinckley passes, but we also gain a new set of skills, thoughts, talents, spirituality etc. from new Apostles called. Is this God’s way of “updating” and adapting the Quorum of the Twelve to current events, zeitgeist, and so on?
We know from the teachings of Joseph, Brigham, and others that in some respects, God is adaptive. For example, He speaks to us in language we can understand (according to D&C 1:24). Certainly times, cultures, circumstances, laws, understandings, and needs change.
The presentation and arrangement and other aspects of temple ordinances have been adapted in the past to the needs and circumstances of the Saints. Perhaps we should expect them to continue to do so in the future as well, given God’s concern for his children.
Please keep posting!
Comment by Mark — February 18, 2008 @ 3:05 pm
Hi Mark. I’m glad you’re enthusiastic
My internet access is very limited for another few days, but I do have more posts and articles and translations to go up. The blog portion of this site is secondary to the hosting of the other stuff. If you’d like regular posts about this topic, let me direct you to, which I am not formally involved with but looks promising.
Comment by The Monk — February 21, 2008 @ 6:14 pm