Updates, links, and reports

By: The Monk - October 5, 2007

I notice it’s been over a year since my last post. During that time, I’ve made some minor improvements behind the scenes, but I’ve been largely unavailable to devote as much time as I want to here.
Our Spanish translation has completely stalled.

However, there are some positive developments. FARMS, BYU Studies, and some others have made many of their materials more freely available than before, so I’ll be going through and adding or correcting all my links.

I have some other essays to be added, such as what the creation account is doing in the temple, what its purpose is there.

Finally, I’m proud to report that MormonMonastery ranks very highly for certain searches about LDS TEmples and ordinances. Often, it is the only positive or pro-Mormon link on the first page of searches, the rest being anti-cultist or exMormon pages. Some of them still outrank the Monastery, but that can be helped by other bloggers or site creators linking to the Monastery. This is good work, and it’s helping people. If you have a page or blog, consider linking here, so that those searching for good information find it.


  1. Search ranking also gets better, with more regular new content (grin).

    Comment by J. Stapley — October 5, 2007 @ 10:37 am

  2. Some suggestions for your “Can the Temple ordinances ‘change’?” section.


    Examples of changes to ordinances:

    1. The baptismal prayer (cf. D&C 20:73 with Mosiah 18:13)

    2. The sacramental emblems (D&C 27:2)

    Comment by Nathan Richardson — November 3, 2007 @ 10:56 am

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